Haggai 2:6,7 “For thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘Once more, it is a little while, I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and dry land. I will shake all nations . . .’”
Why would God even prophecy about the shaking time? God is trying to get attention to all the people of the world to turn to Him and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. In the last ten years we have seen many natural disasters through TV or newspaper. “These are all a part of the natural shaking prophesied in the Bible for the last days. This end time shaking will include heaven, earth, sea, dry land, and all nations. Individuals, families, churches, institutions, governments, and economies, whose foundation is not based on the Word of God, will never survive this shaking” (Mahesh Chavda, "Keep Muttering").
Matthew 7:24-25 ncv: “Everyone who hears my words and obeys them is like a wise man who built his house on rock. It rained hard, the floods came, and the winds blew and hit that house.” Listen to Jesus’ Word: “But it did not fall, because it was built on rock.” That house did not fall. How? It was built on rock. That house is you and me. Jesus was talking about you and me. The only people who will survive the “shaking time” are those, whose foundation is based on the Word of God, and that Rock is our Lord Jesus Christ. When we are standing on the Rock Himself, and His Word, our faith and our trust in God, are not destroyed when the shaking time comes.
So trust God today!