Monday, April 19, 2010

God's Command

"These words which I (God) command you
today shall be in your heart." nkjv
Deuteronomy 6:6a Bread Box 4/19/10

Deut. 6:6-7 talked about passing on God's
Word to next generations. "You shall teach
them diligently to your children ..."

During Moses' time, the family did not have
the Bible so the family would talked about
God's Words very often.

How often did God wants them to talk about
His Word? When you sit to eat, when you
walk by the way, when you lie down and
when you get up.

What do we have today that they didn't have
back then during Moses' time? Think.

For me, right now? The pager Blackberry to
share the card verse from the "Bread Box"
and that was God's command to me to share
His Words to you. I would put into website,
the Blogger for those who do not have pager.

What about you? What do you have that you
can share with your friends or your family?

Let's obey God's command and share His words
in many different ways!

Song collection:
If Jesus said it, I'll believe it,
God's Word cannot lie,
If it's written in the Bible,
I'll believe 'til I die,
Tho' the mountain be removed
and cast into the sea,
God's Word will live forever
through all eternity!
(Author unknown)