Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Humble: Continue

"Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord,
and he (God) shall lift you up." James 4:10

There were questions and discussion about
the topic "humble" so this week we will
focus on that.

Humble means low in position or condition;
not important. A person showing a feeling
not important; not proud; very polite;
show respectful.

Best example: The soldiers came to Jesus
and Jesus could have fight back, but He
didn't. Jesus hand over His hands and
they tied him. That's humble!

Jesus stood before the Pilate. He could
have called 10,000 angels to show His
power, but Jesus didn't. That's humble!

Humble does not always mean bow down to
the floor, but what's in your heart shows
the fruit of your character. One Deaf told
me that some deaf wants things or information
'NOW.' That's not humble.

Humble means to be polite and be nice to wait
for its time.

So let's wait before the Lord to work things out!
