Tuesday, April 27, 2010

His Name

At 5:30 a.m. I woke up with two songs given
to me by Holy Spirit as I began to worship
God. My prayer songs goes to you as some of
you are suffering. When I feel helpless how
to pray for you, Holy Spirit would lead me
to worship our Heavenly Father. I have heard
of testimonies that when we enter into His
Presence as we sing, the healing will flow
into our bodies that we either endure them
or receive deep healing from Him.

(This is Tony's favorite)
His name is higher than any other,
His name is Jesus, His name is Lord,

His name is higher than any other,
His name is Jesus, His name is Lord.

His name is Wonderful, His name is Counselor,
His name is Prince of Peace, The Mighty God,

His name is higher than any other,
His name is Jesus, His name is Lord.
(Author unknown)

Song: That Name

Je-sus, Je-sus, Je--sus- There's just something
about that name! Mas-ter, Sav-ior, Je-sus-
Like the fra-grance after the rain;
Je-sus, Je-sus, Je--sus- Let all heaven and
earth pro-claim; Kings and kingdoms will all
pass away, But there's something about that name!
(William J. & Gloria Gaither)

John 4:23b
". . . when the true worshipers shall worship
the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father
seeketh such to worship Him."

Our Heavenly Father is looking for someone to
worship Him and to love Him with all our hearts!