Wednesday, April 14, 2010

His Hands on Me

There's another chorus that I remember from
Oral Robert's Crusade (Tent Meeting) in 1950's
when I went my mother.

Years later, I had Oral Robert's song book and
I lost it, but the word stays in my heart for
almost 60 years. The reason Oral had people
sang this chorus was during the healing meeting.
Oral laid hands on each individual from the waiting
line. And Oral had people sang this to visualize
Jesus' hands reaching down to the people for healing.

It's awesome because the Holy Spirit brought back
words that I have not sung for a long time and now
I believe He wants to bring healing to all of us.

The words kept singing in my soul today. I hope you
don't mind me sharing this with you. It feels like
a prayer for all of us. (I was sending out from my

Song sang at Tent Meeting:

"When He reached down His hands for me.
When He reached down His hands for me.
I was lost and undone,
Without God or His Son,
When He reach down His hands for me.

(I am not sure if it's the same author
otherwise it's unknown).

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