Friday, April 23, 2010

His Shoulders

"... he (we) shall dwell between His
shoulders." Deuteronomy 33:12

This is a prophecy about the coming
Messiah and what He will do. He will
be like a Shepherd who will carry "the
lost and weary lamb" over His shoulders.

A father and a little boy were hiking.
The little boy was very active and walked
too fast. Then the little boy's legs grew
tired. "Dad, will you carry me?" Dad replied,
"oh yes" and took his child on his shoulders.

If you felt weary and tired, ask the Shepherd,
"Jesus, will You carry me?" Jesus will reply,
"Oh yes, I will carry you over My shoulders
and you rest in Me. Just trust Me."

Oh, what a beautiful Shepherd Jesus is right
now for us. We will find rest, for "(we) the
beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by
Him, who shelters him (us) all the day long;
and he (His people)shall dwell between His
shoulders" (Deut. 33:12).

Trust your Shepherd today!

PS. Song: He Will Carry You

Ask the Savior to help you,
Comfort, strengthen, and keep you;
He is willing to aid you--
He will carry you through.