Friday, July 17, 2009

Numbers Prayer

“Moses cried out to the Lord, saying, “Please heal her, O God, I pray.”
Number 12:13

From the chapter 13 of Numbers, there was a story about Miriam and she did something that wasn’t pleasing to the Lord. Miriam became leprous and she had skin disease. So Moses cried out to the Lord, “God, please heal her!” After seven days, God healed Miriam.

Have you ever faced someone went against you even though God had led you to do the work He had called you to do that? It really hurt, doesn’t it? Moses experienced this, with Aaron, his brother and Miriam, his sister. Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses about two things: Moses married the Ethiopian woman. Perhaps, it was about being married to a Gentile wife and not married to a Jewish woman as their custom. Second thing, Miriam influenced Aaron against Moses for being the only person that God speak to. Miriam probably was a self-center person and said, “Is Moses the only one the Lord speaks through? Doesn’t He also speak through us [v.2]?” Was Miriam right? Know something? Verse 2 said, ‘And the Lord heard this.’ The Lord spoke to Miriam and Aaron from verse four through nine. How did God felt? He was very angry with them. God choose Moses to speak to, not to Aaron and Miriam.

Let stop for a moment and think, ‘And the Lord heard this.’ You know, I have had some persons who question us if God was leading us to do this or that. Here is one example: two of the ministers questioned Tony and me, “Why do you work at Deaf Video Communication?” Our answers were simple: God led us! But that didn’t satisfy them. It was as if they didn’t believe we were really in the will of God. The friendship was not pleasant or enjoyable. After reading the story about Miriam and Aaron, I realized that the Lord heard what those two ministers have said to us. God may hold them accountable for the way they had questioned Tony and me if God really led us to D.V.C. What should we do? Like Moses, we cried out to the Lord and said, “Please forgive those ministers who questioned us why we work for Deaf Video Communication. Please forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” In Jesus name, amen!

Moses showed a good prayer example for his sister to be healed of skin disease. God did answer Moses’ prayer and Miriam was healed. God is a merciful God!