Thursday, October 2, 2008

Inspiration Day!

On October 13, 1984, early Saturday morning, I was awakened by inner excitement of the Holy Spirit to rise and get dressed and leave at 6:30 from Beloit, Wisconsin to go to Milwaukee for a Leadership Workshop at 9 a.m. As Tony was driving on highway 90, suddenly, I received an inspiration of excitement that led me to write this poem. I preached the next day and shared this with the Deaf. What impressed me was how excited Jesus really was. It helped me to know Him as an excited person to share things with. I pray that this poetry will bless you as Jesus expressed how he really feels about you.

I’m excited with Jesus ‘cause He excited with me.
I’m excited with Jesus, what a wonderful day that will be.

I’m excited with Jesus ‘cause He excited to say,
“Good morning, every one of you, I love you every way.”

I’m excited with Jesus ‘cause He is everything.
When He speaks, and oh, what a blessing, He will bring.

I’m excited to be with you, it gives My heart a thrill.
I’m excited to be with you, ‘cause you’re My child, still.

I’m excited to be with you ‘cause for you, I still care.
I’m excited to be with you so give Me your problems to share.

We will have a talk together until you empty your soul.
Oh, the joy of being together, it surely will make you whole.

Until My Spirit flooded you and you can be full of Me.
What a change of life inside for all the Deaf to see.

Isn’t this the reason why you’re called to really believe?
In the Son of God, who died for you to really receive?

Now, My friend, I’m eager for you to find the time to pray.
I’ll be waiting, yes, waiting for you . . . every day.

Written by Rev. Dorothy M. Callies
October 13, 1984