Jesus said to paralyzed man, “Take heart, son;
your sins are forgiven” (niv). Matthew 9:2b
NVC says: “Be encouraged, young man. Your
sins are forgiven.” Matthew 9:2b
Bread Box for July 23 2010
The research, “forgive” led me to check several
references. “Some people brought to Jesus a man
who was paralyzed and lying on a mat. When Jesus
saw the faith of these people …” (ncv), I stop
here. Faith of these people … Jesus saw their
faith for their friend to be healed. I believe
that you had been praying when there was no
Bread Box for few days. It felt like “Jesus saw
your faith” when you prayed for me. So I thank
you friends. Also this applies to others who have
faith to pray for their friend to be healed. Let
the Word of God encourages all of us.
My testimony: For several days, the word “forgive”
has become my research. It seems like the Holy
Spirit was trying to show me something. July 22
Bread Box was about “Forgive Yourself” came to
me as a surprise. And how God does not remember
our sins once covered with the blood of Jesus.
It was just an awesome feeling when the scripture
was quoted; the things that haunted me disappeared.
I believe someone was going through this and God
want you to know this.
So trust God today. He loves you!
Chorus: At Calvary (by William Reed Newell)
Mercy there was great, and grace was free;
Pardon there was multiplied to me;
There my burdened soul found, liberty,
At Cal – va – ry….