Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Good News! Part 18

Song: I See Jesus
1. Once a man name Stephen, preached about the Lord,
Folks were saved and folds were healed,
As they heard his word;
Satan did not like it, soon he had his crowd,
And as he was tried they heard Stephen cry aloud.
"I see Jesus, standing at the Father's right hand,
I see Jesus, yonder in the promised land;
Work is over, Now I'm coming to Thee,
I see Jesus, Standing waiting for me."

2. As the stones fell on him, beating out his life,
Stephen knew he'd soon be through' with all toil and strife;
So much like the master, with a heart so true,
He prayed, "Lord forgive for they know not what they do".
3. Through the gates of glory, down the streets of gold,
Marched a hero of the Lord, Into heaven's fold;
When he met the Savior, at the great white throne
I believe He smiled and said, "Stephen welcome home."

Dorothy: To appreciate this song about Stephen you would
have to read about him in the book of Acts 6,7 and 8. First
story was about "Seven Leaders Are Chosen." Stephen was
one of the seven to help serve the needs of the community
and he was filled with Holy Spirit. There were people who
did not like Stephen for being so good with Scriptures.
They found fault in him and brought him to a meeting of
the Jewish leaders. They asked Stephen if he had something
to say. Stephen began his speech to the Jewish leaders in
the whole chapter of Acts 7:1-60. They were angry with
Stephen and they wanted to kill him. Stephen saw Jesus.

Acts 7:55-56 NVC

"..Stephen was full of the Holy Spirit. He looked up to
heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at
God's right side. He said, "Look! I see heaven open and
the Son of Man standing at God's right side."
Acts 7:59-60
"While they were throwing stones, Stephen prayed, "Lord
Jesus, receive my spirit." He fell on his knees and cried
in a loud voice, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them."
After Stephen said this, he died."

Hope you enjoy this.