Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Good News! Part 14

When was the first gospel preached after
Jesus went back to heaven?

Acts 2:14-17a,37-39 NCV
"..Peter stood up with the eleven apostles, and in
a loud voice he spoke to the crowd:"My fellow Jews,
and all of you who are in Jerusalem, listen to me.
Pay attention to what I have to say. These people
are not drunk, as you think; it is only nine o'clock
in the morning! But Joel the prophet wrote about what
is happening here today: 'God says: In the last days
I will pour out my Spirit on all kinds of people...'"
(After Peter preached from verse 17-36)
When People heard this, they felt guilty and asked
Peter and other apostles, "What shall we do?" Peter
said to them, "Change your hearts and lives and be
baptized, each one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ
for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive
the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promised is for you,
and for your children, and for all who are far away.
It is for everyone the Lord our God calls to himself."

As a result of Peter's first sermon, Acts 2:41b "....
About three thousand people were added to the
number of believers that day."

Song: Freely, Freely
God forgave my sin in Jesus' name;
I've been born again in Jesus' name;
And in Jesus' name I come to you
to share His love as He told me to.
He said, "Freely, freely you have
received; Freely, freely give.
Go in My name, and because you believe,
Other will know that I live."

All power is given in Jesus' name;
In earth and heaven in Jesus' name;
And in Jesus' name I come to you
to share His power as He told me to.
He said, "Freely, freely you have
received; Freely, freely give.
Go in My name, and because you believe,
Others will know that I live".