Saturday, November 17, 2018

Love Found a Way 11/16-20/18

16-20 Nov. 2018 - Love Found a Way – Manna by Dorothy & Tony Callies

Romans 5:8 “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

Song: Love Found a Way
Love found a way to redeem my soul,
Love found a way that could make me whole;
Love sent my Lord to the cross of shame,
Love found a way, O praise His holy name!
(Lyrics: Avis Burgeson Christiansen, Sing His Praise)

Chorus: Yes, I know!
And I know . . , yes, I know . . ,
Jesus’ blood can make the vilest sinner clean,
And I know . . , yes, I know . . ,
Jesus’ blood can make the vilest sinner clean.
(Anna W. Waterman, Sing His Praise)

Prayer: Lord, I am amazed that You would love me so much that you would sacrifice Your Son for me. Teach me to be thankful and to embrace Your unfailing love.  Amen!

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.” I memorized John 3:16 when I was around 10-years-old when my mom encouraged me to.  I remembered one Scripture that says, ‘when you are old, the Word of God will not leave you.” 

Truly, John 3:16 has been with me for 65 years.  Love found a way for John 3:16 to stay in my heart and also to remember that Christ died for me while I was a sinner.  Truly, love found a way to redeem my soul.  Love found a way that could make me whole.  Love sent my Lord to the cross of shame.  Love found a way, O praise His holy name!

Oh, I could kiss You and hug You, Jesus!

May the Lord embrace you and give you peace!


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