Saturday, November 10, 2018

Hedge of Thorns 11/9-10/18

09-10 Nov 2018 - Hedge of Thorns – Verse for the Day by Dorothy & Tony

Hosea 2:6 “Therefore, behold, I will hedge up thy (your) way with thorns, and make a wall . . .” Ezekiel 22:30 “I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before Me . . .”

“So we pray and ask God to put up the hedge of thorns around the person. I start with that for families and friends.”  I copy this from Manna, To You that Overcome. I want to share a testimony.  Lucy Schmidt of Milwaukee, Wisconsin called me on Video Phone asking for a special prayer for a Deaf lady going to the court vs a Deaf man who was abusive to her for two years, refusing finance support and to release her.

I thought, O Lord, Lucy’s been praying for that Deaf man for two years and there was no improvement with his terrible abusive languages and temper, and he kept refusing to support her need and kept her poor.  It was a desperate situation so I prayed and quoted Hosea 2:6 that God speaks, “Look, I will hedge up his way with thorns, and make a wall.” So I asked for “hedge of thorns” around his thought against the influences of the Satan into the deaf man’s mind, and to leave him alone in Jesus’ name.  I asked for the ‘Hedge of thorns” over the Judge for wisdom how to resolve this problem that the Deaf Lady had faced.  The court was expected “a battle” to last all day until 3 p.m. and if not resolved, the next two days was reserved in case.

Later that day, Lucy texted me that she was surprised that it went well and smooth and the court was finished by 1 p.m.  I called her to find out what had happened? She explained that the Deaf man just accepted everything very calmly, he signed the papers to release her and agreed to support her financially.  It was such a shock after all those two years of an abusive character, refusing to do anything, then suddenly, he calm down and agreed to do everything to meet a deaf lady’s need.

Lucy and I discussed the power of prayer with Hosea 2:6 and Ezekiel 22:30.  I shared two testimonies from the booklet.  The one talked about family problem and another about the pastor over his people in the church and how they used “hedge of thorns” prayers and they saw answered to prayers. 

Later on, I googled the topic, “Hedge of Thorns” and I was surprised there were a lot of coverage on this. So if you want more information, just simple google them. 

May the Lord bless you today!


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