Saturday, February 27, 2016

Traveled on My Knees 2/27-29

Psalm 16:11a "You will show me the path of life" (Amplified).

The poem is from a book called, Becoming a Prayer Warrior by Elizabeth Alves. The poem is written by Sandra Goodwin.

                   I Traveled on My Knees
            --Adapted from a poem by Sandra Goodwin.

Last night I took a journey to Israel across the seas;
I did not go by boat or plane, I traveled on my knees.

I saw so many people there with scars and wounds within.
But God told me that I should go--there was oil to pour from Him.

I replied, "Lord, I cannot go and work with such as these."
He answered quickly, "Yes you can, by traveling on your knees."

He said, "You pray, I'll meet their need, you call and I will hear.
Be concerned about the fate of those both far and near."

And so I tried it, knelt in prayer, gave up some hours of ease.
I felt the Lord right by my side while traveling on my knees.

As I pray on and saw them helped, and badly wounded healed,
I saw God's workers' strength renewed while laboring on the field.

I said, "Yes, Lord, I have a job--my desire Thy will to please,
I can go and heed Thy call by traveling on my knees."

God bless you! 

Dorothy Callies

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