Saturday, February 6, 2016

Healing from Heaven 2/6-7

06-07 Feb 2016 - Healing from Heaven – Devotion by Dorothy Callies

2 Cor. 1:3 KJV, “Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort.”

The word “mercies” means compassion, pity and mercy. It means looking upon people in need and having compassion and mercy upon every one of us. Take note that God is not the God of mercies but the Father of mercies. His very nature and behavior toward us is that of a Father, not of a God. He is our Father, a Father who is merciful and compassionate. Notice the word mercies is plural. God does not show mercy just once, but showers His mercies upon us continuously. Isn’t our Father in heaven great?

How do we know that God is “the Father of mercies” and the “God of all comfort”? Because of Jesus Christ. God is “the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” It was God… who “so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (Jn.3:16).

Dorothy: What led me into this devotion? I was going through some ‘anguish’ time and I was wondering how I could be of some comfort. I decided to pick up one of the devotional book. I came across this story that really impressed me. I knew that God, the Father was really all caring Father. It’s amazing He comforts me with this story.

*Thomas Moore (1779-1852) was an Irish songwriter, singer, and poet. His talents brought joy to many yet, tragically, his personal life was troubled by repeated heartaches, including the death of all five of his children during his lifetime. Moore’s personal wounds make these words of his all the more meaningful: “Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish; earth hath no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.” This moving statement reminds us that meeting with God in prayer can bring healing to the troubled soul.

*The apostle Paul also saw how our heavenly Father can provide solace to the hurting heart. To the believers at Corinth he wrote: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation” (2Cor.1:3-4). We need to be reminded that God’s comfort and healing come through prayer. As we confide in our Father, we can experience peace and the beginning of healing for our wounded hearts. For truly “earth hath no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.” [*Written by Dennis Fisher, Our Daily Bread]

Song: If You Know the Lord
If you know the Lord, you need nobody else,
To see you through the darkest night.
You can walk alone, you only need the Lord
To keep you on the road marked right.
Take time to pray, every day;
And when you’re heading home,
He’ll show you the way.
If you know the Lord, you need nobody else,
To see the light, God’s wonderful Light.
         (Inspiring Choruses)

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