Monday, May 17, 2010

Walking with the King

Good morning to you from Edmonton,
Canada! Weather is nice here! Day
are longer. Bread Box 5/17/10

Guess what? At Canada, Edmonton Deaf Church
Fellowship, the chapel had a very old song
book called, "Melodies of Praise." I found
one of my many favorite songs. This was a
popular song during 1960's in California
where I grew up.

Song: Walking With the King
Hal-le-lu-jah, I'm walking with the King,
Praise His holy name, Walking with the King,
hal-le-lu-jah, I'm walking with the King
Every day I'm walking with the King!
(Author unknown)
(Melodies of Praise, 1957
Gospel Publishing House)

Lev. 26:12 kjv "And I (God) will walk
among you, and will be your God, and
ye (you) shall be my people.

Rev. 22:4 "And they shall see His face..."

It is hard to imagine this because we have
lived by faith without seeing Him personally.
But we often felt His Spirit so real even to
the touch of our hearts. So it is going to be
a great rejoicing time when we say, "Finally,
I see you God." And how do you think God is
going to feel? Whoa! I can't even imagine it.
The song "Walking with the King" is our future
hope. So let's trust God today!