Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Eastern Gate

Bread Box for 5/19/10 (My blackberry pager)
We'll fly home early Wednesday morning
so I want to send this out on May 18th.

Bill Persall is the Deaf Pastor of Edmonton
Deaf Church Fellowship in Canada. This is
truly an inspiration. Thank you Bill!

The walled city of Jerusalem used to have
12 gates according to the book of Nehemiah.
Today, Jerusalem has 7 gates that are open
to the public. One is closed. That is the
Eastern Gate or the Golden Gate as it is
sometimes called. It has been closed since
810 A.D. The 7 gates are New Gate, Damascus
Gate, Herod’s Gate, Lion’s Gate, Dung Gate,
Zion Gate and Jaffa Gate.

Last year, I entered three gates: Dung Gate,
Zion Gate and Jaffa Gate. The future New
Jerusalem will have 12 gates according to
the book of Revelation.

PS. I found a chorus to fit this
song, "The Eastern Gate."
"I will meet you,..
I will meet you,..
Just inside the Eastern
Gate over there;..
I will meet you,..
I will meet you,..
I will meet you in the
morning over there ..."
(I. G. Martin, Sing His Praise)