Thursday, April 24, 2008

Deaf Video Communication

Hebrews 11:4-40 is about "Great people of faith."

There is a Bible Study Series of Hebrews Verse by Verse
by Tony Callies with a student, Dorothy Callies.
Video taping were done by DVC and we just volunteer to
help DVC with series of Bible Studies on Hebrews.
They now have DVD sets of Hebrews.

Deaf Video Communication
25W560 Geneva Road, Suite 10
Carol Stream, Illinois 60188

Video Phone: 630-221-9093 for the Deaf.
For hearing to contact DVC use voice 630-221-0909.
DVC has a library loan department.

Deaf Video Communication also sell the Hebrews
set of dvds and you could order them. Contact
Ruby Stecca for the cost of purchase either
by Video Phone or by email:

Hebrews Series of Bible Studies on dvds was been a
blessing to many Deaf people so I suggest to contact
Deaf Video Communication for more information.