Good morning from Minnespolis airport on 9/20/10 at 1:15 p.m. I would like to share Dean's respond on "peace" from Sept. 15, 2010 (Glory of God Series 12)
2 Corinthians 13:11bc
“Live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you.”
Dean: So true ... Biblical/God's peace is so different than the world's concept. Theirs is that peace is absence of all problems. (The world's peace means when there is no problems, that's peace.) God's peace is internal (inside) & God's peace is there in our hearts despite problems. (It means we can have peace in our hearts during the storms).
Best picture I ever saw of God's kind of peace: A tiny bird clinging quietly on a tree/bush branch in the midst of a driving storm. The bird was sleeping peacefully despite the storm.
Dorothy: It reminds me of what Jesus meant, "My peace I give unto you. It is not the same kind of peace that the world gives. It is a different kind of peace. A peace I give you is in time of troubles. That is a real peace from Me."
So let's remember Jesus' peace in our hearts during the time of storm!