Monday, August 17, 2009

Job's Intercession

After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord gave him success again. The Lord gave Job twice as much as he had owned before
[Job 42:10 NCV].

This was a story of Job with his friends who tried to reason with him why so much trouble came to Job. God came from the storm and asked “Who is this that makes My purpose unclear by saying things that are not true?” God was not pleased with Job’s friends who tried to use their reasons for everything that happened to Job. God asked Job to pray for his friends so that He would not punish them for being so foolish. They had not said what was right about God, and His servant, Job. The Lord blessed the last part of Job’s life even more than the first part. Job had many more sheep, camels, oxen, and donkey. He had children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren. He lived to be 140 years.

What does this apply to us?
This is a simple reminder that we don’t always know why things happened to us? God loved Job and came to defend him against his friends. The Lord will bless us when we pray for our friends and do what Jesus said, “Pray always.” When we pray, we feel better and know that God Himself will someday have the final words. May the Lord bless you today.

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