September 2016 - Encamped – Verse for the Day by Dorothy Callies
34:7 “The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and
delivereth them.” [encamp= to set up and
occupy or take place at the camp]
missionary told a story of how the natives with spears, came upfront and meant
to attack the missionary and the family.
The missionary and family prayed earnestly for the Lord to protect
them. Suddenly, the natives ran away.
missionary was puzzled what caused them to flee. Later on, one man told a story to the
missionary that he and the other natives what they seem to have seen the angels
surrounded the missionary’s home. The shining lights from the angels had
blinded their eyes which caused them to flee.
commentary note from the Bible says that the angel of the Lord probably refers
to the angelic hosts of heaven. They are
“ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of
salvation. God has appointed His angels to protect and rescue His saints from
physical and spiritual harm. The promise
of divine intervention is reserved only for those who truly fear God.
34:7 NLT: For the angel of the Lord guards all who fear Him, and He rescues
them.” Let us trust His word that He will guards those who really loves Him and
truly shows great respect to the Lord.
He is able to deliver us from evil.
Song: He Is Able To
Deliver Thee
(William A.
Ogden, Sing His Praise)
the grandest theme through the ages rung;
the grandest theme for a mortal tongue;
the grandest theme that the world ever sung,
God is able to deliver thee.”
is a - ble to deliver thee,
is a - ble to deliver thee;
by sin oppressed,
to Him for rest;
God is able to deliver thee.”
Dorothy: It makes me think of a
story of Daniel who was delivered from the lions when Daniel was thrown down into
the pit. The angels closed the mouth of the
hungry lions who could have eaten him.
Daniel trusted God in peace. So can we, like Daniel trust our God in
peace. Our God was able to deliver Daniel so our God is able to deliver us.
Prayer: Thank you Lord for the
wonderful message that You want us to trust You with all our hearts especially
when we hear of tragic news on TV or newspapers. All our eyes are upon You as
our deliverer. You are able to deliver us in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!
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