Friday, March 12, 2010

The Oppressed

"The Lord also will be refuge for the
oppressed." Psalm 9:9a Bread Box 3/12/10

Feeling weigh down? Burden? Weariness?
"The Lord defends those who suffer; He
defends them in times of trouble" Ps.9:9 ncv.

When you rise in the morning, let God comes
to you and becomes your whole armour so that
God can help you stand against the devil. You
and God are mighty together!! (Eph.6:11)

Song: What a mighty God we serve;
what a mighty God we serve;
Angels bow before Him;
Heaven and earth adore Him;
What a mighty God we serve.
(Author unknown)

So let's serve a mighty God today!


PS. Holy Spirit sang the song to me
when I rose out of the bed after 4 a.m.
So I want to share this with you.

Song: "Isn't He wonderful, wonderful,
wonderful? Isn't Jesus my Lord wonderful?
Eyes not seen, Ears not heard, what's
recording in God's Word! Isn't Jesus my
Lord wonderful? (Author unknown)