Thursday, March 25, 2010

Called You by Name

Bread Box 3/25/10
Isaiah 43:1c
"I have called thee by thy
name; thou art mine."
Isaiah 43:1c Verse Card
from the Bread Box

The Lord God has made
this a very personal
message to you. "Don't be
afraid, because I have
saved you. I have called
you by name, and you
are mine" Is.43:1bc (ncv).

Tony: God makes this
passage, a very personal
message to you, "YOU
ARE MINE!" Think on this.
It is YOU that God really,
really loves YOU!

So trust God for His love!

PS. Song
He loves me, He loves me,
He loves me this I know.
He gave Himself to die
for me because
He loves me so.
(Author unknown)