Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Just want to wish you a Merry Christmas!

As for news, we had no power last Friday, Dec. 19th until Dec. 21, 2008 when we came home to check the power on late Sunday morning. We stayed at Double Tree Hotel which is across the lake from our apartment. It was like a special Christmas date on Saturday night when it got too cold to stay in our apartment on the second night with no power.

I had the Fresh Manna ready but no power and something came to me to go to Panera. I remembered they had wireless free so we went there on Saturday morning. I was able to transfer from document saved to Fresh Manna. Awesome that there was a way to do that when power went out.

It took more time to study the subject of the "Prophet" and be able to put them into Fresh Manna. I was just amazed how much information I have seen from Zondervan, The Full Life Study Bible presented. I was curious as to how this Bible was put together with so much information that enable me to study and share into Fresh Manna. I learned that Donald C. Stamps who was a missionary in Brazil. There were Christian workers who were in need of a Bible that would give them direction in their thinking and preaching.

In 1981 Donald Stamps began writing notes and articles for this work. When he came back to U.S., he discovered the same desire among pastors and lay people for a study Bible with notes that have a Pentecostal emphasis. It took him ten years to gather the notes. He died Nov. 7, 1991 after a year-long struggle with cancer. The group of committee helped to complete the Full Life Study Bible that Donald Stamps had put together.

I was truly blessed to use this wonderful Bible with so much notes which I was able to share with Fresh Manna. I pray that you be blessed as well.