Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Book of Jude

With Rev. Tony Callies. You can order from:
Deaf Video Communication of America, Inc.
DVC offer the Book of Jude 3 DVD set for
$25 dollars plus tax 7.24% for Illinois
only and shipping $5.00. You can order them
through VP 630.221.9093. Their website is
www.deafvideo.com. Please mention that you
got this information from Fresh Manna.

The Book of Jude is the "Warnings About
False Teachers." I thought it would be
excellent for you to order since the
topic of Fresh Manna has been about the
False Prophets and False Teachers.

The Book of Jude might be read as seemly,
what's the point? But when Rev. Tony Callies
presents the Bible Study verse by verse of
the book of Jude, he gave more information on
background, and why the book was written in those
days. Two people told me that they were really
impressed and surprised to learn that there was
more to it than just to read about it.

I strongly urge you to get them, but if you can't
afford it, you might want to call VP 630.221.9093
and ask for library loan on the Book of Jude or
you could check out www.deafvideo.com.

God loves you and so do I.