Saturday, August 23, 2008

Strength – 8

Psalm 18:1-3

I will love you, Lord. You are my strength. V2 The Lord is my rock, my protection, my Savior. My God is my rock. I can run to Him for safety. He is my shield and my saving strength, my defender. V3 I will call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I will be saved from my enemies.
Psalm 59:17
God, my strength, I will sing praises to you. God, my defender, you are the God who loves me.
Psalm 77:14
You are the God who does miracles; you have shown people your power [strength].
Psalm 81:1
Sing for joy to God, our strength; shout out loud to the God of Jacob.
[All verses are New Century Version]

Song of worship: In the Quiet of the Morning

In the quiet of the morning…
I will worship Your name…
I will lift my voice [sign] with signing…
to praise you again…
For it fills my heart with glad..ness…
that remains [stays] through the day…
In the quiet of the morning …,
I will worship Your name…

This psalm also occurs in 2 Samuel 22 with a few changes. It was probably written early in David’s reign. The psalm also prophesies a time when, through the Messiah, all nations will praise the name of God. Romans 15:9 “…those who are not Jews could give glory to God for the mercy he gives to them. It is written in the Scriptures: “So I will praise you among the non-Jewish people. I will sing praises to your name.” Psalm 18:49 “I will praise you, Lord, among the nations. I will sing praises to your name.”


When I sing the song, ‘In the Quiet of the Morning,’ I noticed one line says, I will worship Your name. This touches my heart and I was not aware that it was in the Scripture until this morning when I typed the note. I may have seen it but this morning it was more impressive for me. It led me to pray right now.

Dear Heavenly Father, wash us with the Blood of Jesus so all of our sins are forgiven through Calvary. We bow down before You. We love and adore You. We worship Your name. The Scripture tells us more and more about You. Father, our flesh is weak and You are our Strength. You made us stronger when we worship Your name. In Your presence, there is joy. Thank you for hearing our prayers in Jesus’ name, amen.