Saturday, July 28, 2018

Little Things 7/30-31/18

30-31 July 2018 - Little Things – Manna by Dorothy and Tony Callies

Jesus told a story of The Parable of the Ten Pounds. The part that I want to focus on is “little or small things.” Luke 19:16-17, The lord said to the servant who have gained ten pounds more. “You are a good servant because you have been faithful in a very little . . .” (My translation).  I stopped there because I wanted to focus on that part.

New Century Version is a good translation.  “The King said to the servant, ‘Excellent! You are a good servant.  Since I can trust you with small things . . .” (Luke 19:17).

Dorothy: Actually, the Manna of July 28-29 had three titles: Little Things; All Glory to God; and Empowerment. I printed it to edit them.  Then I realized I had more to say a few things. I just didn’t know how to divide the part, but then it seems easier to write another Manna for July 30-31.  This one has something to do what I was going through that is related to July 28-29 Manna how the verses fits my situation. 

It was a humiliating experience which is why I didn’t want to mention it with July 28-29 Manna until July 30-31 Manna.  It’s awkward for me, but I will start . . . with feet . . . There are times Tony struggled to wash his feet and put on socks.  Most of the mornings, I would wash his feet, and dry them. At times, I didn’t have strength to do them. Often I had to sit on stool to make my job easier.  I struggled . . .

Thought came to me, why am I doing this . . . washing feet . . . my strength was limited. .. I wasn’t feeling good because the maintenance men couldn’t find the problem of me smelling the gas from the laundry room since we moved in last June 12th.  They tested it and several times, they can’t seem to find the problem.

Finally, a friend said to call the gas company to check it and they found the problem.  It was furnace, the corner pipe had 1/2” leak. The gas man called the Landlord’s maintenance man to call the furnace man to come and check it.  So they got the part and changed them. The gas smell disappeared and I started to feel better.  

I got my strength back and I was able to use disposable washcloth on Tony’s feet . . . Then I had a vision of God’s feet that I washing His feet as well as Tony’s feet. I don’t know how to explain this, but it wasn’t a thrilling experience at all.  It was just like the verse quoted, “Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Was I making God happy washing His feet?  Is that what glory of God means? 

It was a mediation time and it grew on me. Jesus said to me, “Just think of Me, washing my feet. You envision the nail prints on my feet.” That’s where a friend shared about the empowerment, “I can do all things through Him Who empowers me from within!” (Phil. 4:13).

I pray: “Lord, thank You for empowered me to do little things like washing feet as though they were great, since I do them in Your name.” During the day, I felt a song came to my heart and I could sense God’s joy in my soul and then I understood how important the little things are to Him.

This is only a small part on my side.  I can imagine that there are many of little things that God wants you to do.  You just got to find them.  “Whatever you do, just simply makes God happy doing little things for Him.” 

Song came to me:
He will fill your heart today to overflowing,
As the Lord commanded you,
“Bring your vessels, not a few.”
He will fill your heart today to overflowing
With the Holy Ghost and power. 
[Lelia Naylor Morris, Sing His Praise]

May the Lord bless you richly!

PS. This song came from the story of “The Widow’s Oil” in 2 Kings 4:1-7. What the title “Bring your vessels, not a few” meant “Bring many vessels you can find” from neighbors and fill them with oil, sell them, and pay your debts to the creditors.

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