Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Discipline 7/26-27/18

26-27 July 2018 - Discipline – Manna by Dorothy and Tony Callies

Hebrews 12:11 KJV: “No chastening seems to be joyful . . . but . . . afterward it yielded fruit of righteousness . . .”

Sounds like it’s difficult to grasp this meaning of the word, chastening. For me, the best translation is disciplines. It means strict training that corrects or strengthens mental ability or moral character.  The translation of New Century Version seems easy to read.

“We do not enjoy being disciplined.  It is painful, but later after we learned from it, we have peace, because we start living in the right way.” Heb. 12:11.  I was reading the devotion from the Daily Bread and here’s what I found, an article from Joe Stowell.

“God is passionately interested in our positive growth as His children.  At times He needs to confront us with unpleasant circumstances to catch our attention and *reorient our lives to more consistently produce the “peaceable fruit of righteousness” (Heb. 12:11).  *reorient=to face the situation again.  Don’t resist God’s corrective hand.  Respond to His reproofs (corrections) with thankfulness that He loves you enough to care about what kind of a person you’re becoming.” [Quote from the Daily Bread written by Joe Stowell.]

Dorothy: When I read this, I thought, Sigh! So this is a discipline time to learn.  I was reading Hebrews 12:1 through 11.  I knew God was speaking to me from His Word. So I wrote a few notes that impressed me as a reminder from different verses.  I thought it might be interested to share this with you.

Notes that I wrote from the Journal #5:
Heb. 12:2       Let us look only to Jesus . . .
                        He suffered death on the cross . . .
                        He accepted the shame . . .
                                    but has joy God put before Him.
                        Now He sits on the right side of God’s throne.
Heb. 12:3       Jesus’ example:
                        He held on while wicked people were doing evil things to Him.
                        **So do not get tired and stop trying.
KJV                 Christ endured contradiction of sinners Himself . . .
                        v. 2 Christ endured the cross . . .
                        Note: The word endured impress me. 
                                    Jesus bears patience with suffering.
Heb. 12:7       Hold on through your sufferings.
Heb. 12:5       Don’t stop trying when He corrects you.
Heb. 12:6       The Lord disciplines those He loves.
Heb. 12:10     God disciplines to help us . . . to have fruits of the Spirit.
Heb. 12:11      It is painful . . . we learned from it . . . we have peace . . .
Heb. 12:12     You became weak so now make yourself strong again.  End.

With index card, I wrote to remind myself: I can do all things through Christ, because He gives me strength. Phil. 4:13 NCV. Prayer: Thank you, God Father for this word of encouragement. Thank you for giving me the strength to endure all things. Thank you for reminding me what Jesus went through for me.  Now I pray for my friends and families that you will bless them and give them strength to endure whatever they go through.  Thank you that you love and care for all of us. Thank you for healing our bodies through the blood of Jesus and in Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen!

God bless you today!


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