Jesus said: “I am the bread of life: he (you)
that cometh to Me shall never hunger.”
John 6:35b nkjv Bread Box 8/2/10
From the story of John chapter 6, Christ had
fed 5,000 people because they were hungry. They
were at the hills where Jesus was speaking to
them. They thought they had found another “Moses”
who would give them daily “manna” just like Moses’
time when people ate manna for 40 years. They were
looking for free daily bread. Why? Because they saw
Jesus fed 5,000 people with bread and fish. So they
thought, ‘why not Jesus feed us every day.’
In this story, Jesus struggled to tell them that He
was the Messiah, the Manna whom the Father has sent
to them. Did He succeeded? No, many left Him because
they were not satisfied with Him.
This is something to think about. Do you ever felt
like you are not always satisfied? Do you think Jesus
tried to tell us this: “I am the Bread of Life: you that
come to Me shall never hunger.” He meant we should
be satisfied, but if we are not satisfied then ...
Let’s ask Him what are we missing?
Inspiring Chorus:
Jesus will walk with me;
He will talk with me;
He will walk with me;
In joy or in sorrow,
today or tomorrow,
I know He will walk with me.
(Haldor Lillenas, Sing His Praise)