Thursday, June 3, 2010

Laid Down His Life

"Greater love hath no man than this, that
a man lay down his life for his friends."
John 15:13 kjv Bread Box 6/3/10

"The greatest love a person can show is
to die for his friends." Jn.15:13 ncv

Tony: "Really, Jesus was willing to die so
you can have salvation; you can go to heaven
when you die. There's more about the topic on
"laying down your life for your friends." So
tomorrow I will have short devotion."

Bill quotes from June 1st Bread Box devotion:
You could sing, "Jesus is everything to me."

Dorothy: Incredible! Amazing! I found an old
song called, He’s Everything to Me.
He’s ev-‘ry-thing to me, From sin He sets me free;
His peace and love my por-tion thro’ all e-ter-ni-ty!.
He’s ev-‘ry-thing to me, More than my dreams could be;
O praise His name for-ev-er, He’s ev-‘ry-thing to me.

1. In sin I once had wandered all weary, sad and lone,
Till Jesus thro’ His mercy adopted me His own;
E’er since I learned to trust Him,
His grace doth make me free,
And now I feel His pardon,
He’s everything to me. (Hamp Sewell)

Remember, Jesus loves you that much to "lay
down His life for you" so trust Him today!

PS. Just to let you know that today
is our 43rd Anniversary.