Friday, May 18, 2018

Never Alone! 5/17-20/18

17-20 May 2018 – Never Alone! – Manna by Dorothy Callies

Joshua 1:5 “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you.”

God made this promise to Joshua just before he led the Israelites into the Promised Land. Joshua needed that courage to go boldly where Joshua had not gone before.  Joshua wanted to make sure that the same God who was with Moses, would also be with him.  Joshua wanted God to guide him, and give him wisdom how to plan the victory after victory while claiming for the new Promised Land.  And God did exactly that.

Strange to think, Tony and I are moving into a different apartment on the first floor and just a thought of memory  . . . Since the year of Dec. 2001, we were called to pastor a Deaf Church and we sold our Mobile home and moved to the third floor of the apartment at the town of north Akron, Ohio. There were many stairs to climb.  It was like living in a cabin because on the third story apartment, it had patio and we could see a view of trees for miles. It was an awesome sight.  It was almost like a forest.  Northern part of Akron City had hills to drive around. It had homes, and parks, several recreation area as well as picnics area.

On Dec. 2003, we moved to Deaf Video Communication’s janitor’s apartment at Carol Stream, Illinois and there were also a lots of stairs on the job for cleaning upstairs ‘hotel rooms.’  When Tony retired from the janitor’s job in March 2007 at the age of 70, we moved to Bloomington, IL and to an apartment with stairs, 8 steps stairs in June 30, 2007 and it would be 11 years both downstairs (4 years) and upstairs apartments (7 years).  I guess the “exercise pays off.”

Looking back, God has kept His promised never to leave us nor forsake us when it became too much for us to climb several apartments with routine stairs. God is still with Tony and me moving to a new adventure place with the first floor. It will be our 17th moves since 1969 when we ended our evangelism tour from 1967.   

Seems like memory of so many stairs, I never thought of it until now as if God was telling me, just as I was with you all those years with stairs you have climbed, I am still with you even on the first floor.  God has not changed.  We have . . . well into our ages.  So we are never alone!  Like God told Joshua that He would never leave Joshua alone, the same God will not leave you alone.  What a comfort thought!

Song: Never Alone
No, never alone!  No, never alone!
He promised never to leave me,
Never to leave me alone.
No, never alone!  No, never alone!
He promised never to leave me,
Never to leave me alone.
[Inspiring Choruses]

May God bless you always! 


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