Friday, February 2, 2018

Don't Be Afraid 2/4-5/2018

04-05 Feb. 2018 - Don’t Be Afraid - Bread Verse Dec. 26, 2013 by Dorothy Callies

Isaiah 41:10 “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you” (NLT).

The word, dismayed interest me to search the meaning when God said, “Do not be dismayed.” So God is saying, “Do not let things ‘to cause you to lose courage’ or ‘to feel concern.’” In another word, upset or to feel disturb greatly especially in mind. Do not be upset or feel bothersome in your mind. Do not let your mind trouble you.

The word, afraid also has another meaning that interests me, “having a dislike for something” that we don’t want it there. We don’t want it because it upset us. We want things to be perfect and in harmony. When it isn’t in harmony, we feel “screw up.” Things are not smooth the way we want it.

I remember Jesus’ word: “Let not your heart be troubled. Neither let it be afraid. Believe in God. Believe also in Me.” (Ref. Jn. 14:1, 27) God does not want us to be afraid. God wants us to build our trust in Him. To build our trust means that we are to quote His promises that He will continue His grace and strengthen to face all the circumstances of life. He will help us through times of crisis. He quoted, “I am with you. I am your God.”

When we quote the promises of God, it would be like “we are bathing ourselves into His Presence.” Bathing would be like “swimming into the flows of the Spirit,” the rivers of life from the very throne of God. (Ref. Rev. 22:1). Bathing would wash off our being afraid and washing off our dismay in us. He would fill us with peace as Jesus said, “My peace I give it to you.” I pray in the name of Jesus that there would be peace inside of you. Amen!

Song: Wonderful Peace
Peace! Peace! Wonderful peace,
Coming down from the Father above,
Sweep over my spirit forever I pray,
*In fathomless billows of love.
(W.D. Cornell, Sing His Praise)
[*ASL: In plenty deep and much love]

Dorothy: Once again, I love that encouragement. Right after I completed the devotion of “Rock like our God” I remembered two songs called, Rock of Ages and Hide Thou Me.  Oh, I really sang that song and it’s a wonderful song to sing unto the Lord Jesus Christ.

May the Lord encourage you to trust Him today!


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