Monday, January 13, 2014

No Beauty

January 13, 2014 - No Beauty – Manna by Dorothy Callies

Isaiah 53:2b “He hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire him” (KJV). “There was nothing beautiful or majestic about His appearance, nothing to attract us to Him” (NLT). 

The commentary tells us that there was nothing beautiful or majestic (noble, or grand or higher rank) in the physical appearance of this servant. Israel would miscalculate (figure Him wrong) the servant’s importance—they would consider Him an ordinary man. But even though Jesus would not attract a large following based on his physical appearance, He would bring salvation and healing. Many people miscalculate the importance of Jesus’ life and work, and they need faithful Christians to point out His extraordinary nature [QVLAB].

The other commentary stated that the Messiah would lack earthly grandeur (the quality or state of being grand: awe-inspiring magnificence) and physical attractiveness. I find this interesting because it took some studies to understand what it meant when the verse quote, “there is no beauty that we should desire Him.”

Actually, it was about what He looks like when He was growing up with a family. He had a flesh that was so common among His people. He wasn’t like “Superman” we see on TV. He didn’t use His power like “Superman” did. The Zealot Jews would probably like that for Christ to overthrown the “Roman Empire” and that He would become their Messiah King instantly. That would be “an instant grand entrance,” but that was not God’s plan.

“I am not beautiful. I am not handsome. I don’t have the great skills to preach or to teach. I am not skills enough. I don’t have anything attractive to get people’s attention to me. I am too old for this. I am not good enough.” Do you ever felt that way? Do you ever wish you were like Hercules on TV, who was very attractive, and very strong? Do you ever wish you were like Superwoman on TV as well?  In our imagination, we would love to be like them. It would get all the attention among the Deaf, huh? That is still not God’s plan.

There was “no beauty” when Jesus became a servant because being a servant was the lowest rank of all. The world looks at it, “Impossible” for a future King to become a servant first. Jesus gave us an example from Luke 22:24-27 and He said, “… I am Your servant.” It would be like Jesus growing up in a family that was “nothing special.” But God put His Son there to serve the people! You may have a job that seems like “nothing special,” but God put you there to serve the people. You may have a family to take care and it may feel like “nothing special,” but God put you there to serve the family. 

So let’s accept His call to be a servant!

Song: If You Would Be Great (Mark 9:35)
If you would be great in God’s kingdom,
then learn to be servant of all,
If you would be great in God’s kingdom,
then learn to be servant of all.
Learn to be servant of all;
Learn to be servant of all.
I’ll open a river when thou art a giver
and learn to be servant of all.
(Inspiring Choruses, Collections)

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