September 5-8, 2013 – Continued with Me 1 - Manna by Dorothy Callies
Luke 22:28 Jesus
said, NKJV: “But you are those who have continued with me in My trials."
KJV: Ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations. NCV: You
stayed with me through my struggles. NLT: You have remained true to me in my
time of trial.
To appreciate this
verse 28, let’s read from NLT, Luke 22:24-30. “And they began to argue among
themselves as to who would be the greatest in the coming Kingdom. Jesus told
them, “In this world the kings and great men order their people around, and yet
they are called ‘friends of the people.’ But among you, those who are the
greatest should take the lower rank, and the leader should be like a servant.
Normally the master sits at the table and is served by his servants. But not
here! For I am Your servant. You have remained true to me in My time of trial.
And just as My Father has granted me a Kingdom, I now grant you the right to
eat and drink at My table in that kingdom. And you will sit on thrones, judging
the twelve tribes of Israel.””
Why did the disciples
argued over the position and power? The disciples were still thinking about the
earthly kingdom. They thought Jesus was establishing the Messiah’s kingdom in Israel. The
disciples were trying to decide the best seats and positions in His government.
The world’s attitude about greatness is holding authority over people, holding
position and power. But Jesus explained, “But not here!” He was saying, “But
not in this kind of earthly kingdom. The future Messiah’s kingdom, it would be entirely
Jesus said that if
you want to become great, you should take the lower seats and be humble. If you
want to be a leader, you should be like a servant. The one who serves and the
one who help others, not to rule or manage people, exercise authority over
people or to control their lives. Jesus explained that when He was with them,
He was serving them, not ruling them. Jesus emphasized the importance of
serving others.
Jesus made it personal
to them. He said, “You have continued with me …” Jesus gave assurance to the
disciples who have been faithful and standing by Him for three years. Jesus said that the disciples would be
rewarded with twelve thrones, each one governing one of the twelve tribes of Israel during
the reign of Christ. Wow! What a great encouragement that the Lord has given to
those who serve faithfully!
Have you been
faithful to Jesus and serving others? Do you sometimes wonder if it was worth
it? Good news! The Lord is encouraging you with a great reward for keeping His
covenant with Him. Jesus said, “And, behold, I come quickly; and My reward is
with Me, to give every man according as his work shall be”(Rev. 22:12 KJV). “Fear
not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the
kingdom” (Luke 12:32).
Every true follower
of Christ will be greatly rewarded. He loves you that much!
Song: Heavenly
Heavenly sunlight,
heavenly sunlight,
Flooding my soul with
glory divine;
Hallelujah, I am
Singing His praises,
Jesus is mine.
(Lyrics: Henry J. Zelley,
Sing His Praise)
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