Happy December First!
2 Cor. 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you" (NIV).
The word, sufficient means enough to reach a goal and fill a need. That means whatever you are going through right now you still have a goal to reach to. If you have a need God will see to it that you get that need met. All we need to remember that His grace will help you overcome all temptations. Maybe one of the temptations would be "feeling like giving up hope?"
Remember the "12 gates were 12 pearls; every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of city were pure gold ..." (Rev 21:21). Do you really want to give up all that hope we have? Pearl stands for suffering Christians. He knows you suffer. Pearl respresent our suffering on earth. You deserve it. That's why God is looking forward to reward you richly.
Song: Keep Me True
Keep me true, Lord Jesus, Keep me true;
Keep me true, Lord Jesus, keep me true;
There's a race that I must run,
There are vict'ries (victory) to be won.
Give me power, every hour, to be true.
(Inspiring Chorus)
So trust God today!