Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Keep Climbing 3/9-12

09-12 March 2017 - Keep Climbing – Manna by Dorothy Callies

Heb. 3:13 KJV, “Exhort one another daily …” NCV, “Encourage each other every day ...”

Richard needed a push, and he got one. He was rocking climbing with his friend Kevin who was the belayer (the one who secures the rope). Exhausted and ready to quit, Richard asked Kevin to lower him to the ground.

But Kevin urged him on, saying he had come too far to quit. Dangling (hang loosely with a swinging motion) in midair, Richard decided to keep trying. Amazingly, he was able to reconnect (to start again & join) with the rock and complete the climb because of his friend’s encouragement. (Written by Marvin Williams, Our Daily Bread). (The meaning of the words in italic by Dorothy Callies).

Dorothy: To understand why the Bible quoted “to exhort one another daily,” it was because they didn’t have the New Testament Bible yet to start with. They depend on the disciples who remembered the Word of Jesus to share with them. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would bring all the remembrance whatsoever Jesus have said to them (John 14:26). The followers of Jesus depend on each other daily for encouragement to continue to follow their Lord. 

During that time between 50 A.D. through 90 A.D. several followers of Jesus were writing the gospels, and letters to encourage the Christians throughout Asia. One example: During 60-63 A.D. Peter wrote two letters to “strangers scattered” throughout the Roman provinces of Asia Minor. Who were they?

Many of them have been saved under the preaching of Peter on the Day of Pentecost when they came from several different nations to celebrate the Passover at Jerusalem. They returned home with their newfound faith (Acts 2:6-11). So Peter wrote letters to encourage them to stay true to the Lord. They depend on Peter’s letter to read often to them to keep their faith in Christ.

Today, we have many resources such as The Deaf Mission offered visual ASL translations from the Bible. Deaf Video Communication through internet offered several visual persons who signs several devotions to watch and to receive daily encouragement from the Word of God or stories.

The title, ‘Keep Climbing’ brought to my memory as a child that there’s a song something like climb up sunshine mountain . . . And I found only one song from the old book that seems really interesting that the writer of the song was able to do this.

My friends, if you ever felt discouraged and ready to give up, I say to you, “Keep climbing” just like Kevin who encouraged his friend, Richard who were ‘dangling’ in the midair to reconnect to the rock and finished the climbing. Maybe you felt like that . . . ‘dangling’ in time of troubles and I encourage you to try to reconnect to that Rock of Jesus and you keep climbing through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen? Amen!  
Song: Climbing Up the Hills of God
(Lyrics: Haldor Lillenas, Melodies of Praise)
To the sunlit highlands I am climbing,
Far above the lowlands and shadow drear,
Where the golden bells of faith are chiming,
And the song of victory I hear.
I am climb – ing, I am climb – ing,
Washed in the Savior’s precious blood.
I am climb – ing, I am climb – ing,
Climbing up the hills of God.

Lifted up above all doubt and fearing,
To the realms of confidence and trust in God;
Looking forward to the Lord’s appearing,
Walking in the paths our fathers trod.
I am climb – ing, I am climb – ing,
Washed in the Savior’s precious blood.
I am climb – ing, I am climb – ing.
Climbing up the hills of God.

Word meaning or signing:
Climbing= going up
Shadow= dark

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