John 15:4 NLT, “Abide in Me, and I in
Question: Does spiritual wisdom guarantee success?
Let’s see
what Paul has to say: 1 Corinthians 1:19-21 NLT, As the Scriptures say, “I will
destroy human wisdom and discard their most brilliant ideas.” So where does
this leave the philosophers, the scholars, and the world’s brilliant debaters?
God has made them all look foolish and has shown their wisdom to be useless
nonsense. Since God in His wisdom saw to it that the world would never find Him
through human wisdom, He has used our foolish preaching to save all who
Can people with just human wisdom and
their most brilliant ideas guarantee success? God answered: “I will destroy human wisdom and throw
away their most brilliant ideas” if they tried to find God through their own
intelligent mind.
Let’s see
what Jesus has to say: Matthew 7:24-25 NTL, “Anyone who listens to My teaching
and obeys me is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. Though
the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against
that house, it won’t collapse, because it is built on rock.”
wisdom guarantee success only if you like a person who builds a house on solid
rock. That solid Rock is Jesus, Himself. He said, “If you listen to My teaching
and obey Me, you are wise.” The key is “listen to His teaching and obey Him.”
What happened to a person who does not
have spiritual wisdom?
Jesus said, “But anyone who hears My teaching and ignores it is foolish, like a
person who builds a house on sand. When the rains and floods come and the winds
beat against that house, it will fall with a mighty crash” Matthew 7:26-27 NLT.
said, “Abide in Me, and I in you. As a branch cannot bear fruit of itself,
unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me” (John
15:4). Jesus is the Vine and we, His followers, are the branches. If we are
honest, we know we are completely helpless and spiritually, we would not
succeed without Him.
So the
answer from the Scripture is: “Come here
and listen to Me! I’ll pour out the spirit of wisdom upon you and make you
wise” Proverbs 1:23 NLT. That is a promise of God.
Song: The Rock That Never Moves
When days
are warm and the sun shine bright,
And all is
beautiful and light,
My faith
never wavers, My hopes never dim;
For Jesus
is my Rock, And I stand on Him.
And the
Rock never moves beneath my feet,
raging storms around me beat;
I stand
secure, My safe retreat is
the Rock of Ages.
Zilch, Sing His Praise)
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