Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Wrath of God

Revelation 19:15b-16 NCV:
“…and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will crush out the wine in the winepress of the terrible anger of God the Almighty. On his robe and on his upper leg was written this name: King of kings and Lord of lords.”

The verse quote, "rule them with a rod of iron" means to destroy them. Do you ever wonder what does this quote really means “He will crush out the wine in the winepress?” Have you ever seen the old fashioned big winepress with people whose feet would stomp over and over until it crushed the grapes and the juice or wine would flow out into the barrel? This is the picture of how God feels toward anyone who does not believe in His Son [John 3:36]. God has a personality: He loves, He cares, He hates, and He grieves.

John 3:36 “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but THE WRATH OF GOD ABIDETH ON HIM.

Is it hard to imagine that God so love the world that He could become an angry God sometime? If you read the Old Testament stories from the book of Judges about how the people turned into sins and worship their idols, and forgot about the True Living God who should be worshiped, then you would understand why God allow enemies to come into their land and defeat the Israelite. What was the result? They cried out to the Lord for help and God always send a Judge to help them defeat the enemies and they would have peace as long as they worship the True Living God.

John 3:36 is something we could pray that somehow the Holy Spirit would open their eyes to understand the terrible wrath of God on the person when he or she does not believe and accept God’s Son, Jesus Christ as their Savior. We pray that Holy Spirit would somehow reach their hearts through hearing the Word of God and that their eyes would be open to understand that God does love them and want to give them eternal life. But to reject His Son and they need to understand that God has the right to become angry because they will not have eternal life in heaven. This is something to think about and share with our friends if they know about this verse from John 3:36.

The conversation could begin like this: Did you know that God is angry when someone rejects His Son? Maybe they say: No, I didn’t know. Do you have the proof that God can be an angry God? Sure, it is found in John 3:36. You could go from there. God bless you.