Friday, November 28, 2008

Jesus, The Prophet

John 6:14-15 NCV
"Truly, He is the Prophet"
When the people saw this miracle that Jesus did,
they said, "He must truly be the Prophet who is
coming unto the world." Jesus knew that the people
planned to come and take him by force and make him
their king, so he left and went into the hills alone.

After Jesus had fed 5,000 men plus women and children
with just two fish and five loaves, People tried to force
Jesus to become king. Have you notice the word 'force'?
Only Satan used that kind of force. The word "force" has
an interesting meaning. The closest meaning for here is
strength used against a person or taken by violence and
power to control. This was why Jesus had to leave because
the people tried to use their strength to control Jesus to
become the King. This could caused problem for Romans
if Jesus had become a King. It was not the right time.

Holy Spirit is a gentle person and He never does anything
by force. Gentleness is one of the nine fruits of the Spirit
[Galatians 5:22-23]. It is the gentleness that people
could see Christ in us. It is the kind of character that the
Holy Spirit continues to work in our hearts to have the
'gentle spirit' inside of us. It took me years to really
learn the difference between the 'forceful' character and
a 'gentle' character inside of us. I pray this would touch
you. May God bless you today.