119:111 NKJV “Your testimonies I have taken as a heritage forever, for they are
the rejoicing of my heart.”
First day of September and it’s a new month to begin with! Also have a good holiday weekend and enjoy
God’s greatest blessings upon you and be healed in Jesus’ name. Amen! Tony and I are doing well and we keep quoting
God’s Word to keep our healings going!
read from “Our Daily Bread” and thought it was an amazing articles to share.
Why? Since August 1, 2018, I started writing Psalm 119, two or three verses at
a time in my Journal notebook 8x11 from KJV and NCV. I just felt like I need to really write the
Word of God into my heart, holding on to His promises. It came from Prayer
Calendar for prayer guide for families, friends, every needs, etc. If you want
a copy of Prayer Calendar, go to
an articles I want to share from David McCasland, Our Daily Bread, “The Book
Behind the Story.” Millions of people around the world have seen Gone with the Wind, which premiered
(first showing) in the United States on December 15, 1939. It won 10 Academy Awards and remains one of
the Hollywood’s most commercially successful films. It was based on Margaret Mitchell’s 1936
novel, which sold one million copies within 6 months, received a Pulitzer
Prize, and has been translated into more than 40 languages. An epic movie often has its source in a
powerful and timeless book.
book that’s the basis for the Christian faith is the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation, it is infused (to
put in as if by pouring) with God’s plan for His creation, including us. Psalm 119 celebrates the power and necessity
of God’s Word in our lives. It lights
our path (v.105), revives our souls (v.107), and guards our steps (v.110). Through the Scriptures we find wisdom,
guidance, life, and joy. “Your testimonies I have taken as a heritage forever,
for they are the rejoicing of my heart” (111).
our Lord calls us to base our lives on His Words and share the joy of knowing
Him with people who are longing to find life.
“I have inclined my heart to perform Your statutes forever, to the very
end” (v.112). What a book! What a Savior!
Dear Lord, Your Word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. Your laws are my treasure; they are my heart’s
delight. I am determined to keep Your decrees
to the very end.
[End of David McCasland’s Devotion].
What does this mean to me? It seems like
God wanted me to know about this articles which gave me a great encouragement to
continue writing Psalm 119, few verses a day into my daily Journal. This is amazing to me how much God does cares
enough to let me read this articles with the comparison story. This helps to understand how His Word would
last forever while “Gone with the Wind’s” story will just faded when Christ
comes. I was inspired to sing, “Isn’t He
Song: Isn’t He Wonderful?
He wonderful, wonderful, wonderful?
Jesus, my Lord wonderful?
have seen, ears have heard,
recording in God’s Word,
Jesus my Lord, wonderful?
(Inspiring Choruses)
God bless you!
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