Wednesday, August 30, 2017

This Was Good! 8/30/17

30 August 2017 - This Was Good! – Manna by Dorothy Callies

I would like to share the commentary that came from The Full Life Study Bible by Donald C. Stamps. I have my reason to share this devotion so bear with me until I make my point from this Manna.

Genesis 1:31 “And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good.”  Seven times God states that what He created was “good” (Genesis 1:4,10,12,18,21,25,31). Each part of God’s creation completely fulfilled His will and intended purpose.  God created the world to reflect His glory and to be a place where humankind could share in His joy and life.  Notice how God created according to a plan and order:
            Day 1 – light
            Day 2 – firmament (sky)
            Day 3 – dry land
            Day 4 – light-bearers
This part were to bring order to creation.
            Day 5 – fish and birds
            Day 6 – animals and humans
This part were giving life to creation.
            Day 7 – rest
This part of creation is complete and very good.

Dorothy:  I had noticed that some of the days, there was something new with Tony being improved. I watched Tony getting better slowly day by day.  I asked God, “Why couldn’t you just simply healed him completely like You did in the New Testament days when Jesus healed people instantly?” 

The next morning, Holy Spirit encourages me to watch the TBN channel on August 29th, Tuesday morning at 6:00 with Joel Osteen. I’ll try my best to explain what impressed me about his sermon. He talked about our daily basis of lives and how to focus on small things and to say, “It was good.” Instead of looking into a “big picture” and waiting for that day to come into “big accomplishment or success.”

Start with small things to thank God for.  Each day, when something new and improved you have made, thank God for that and say, ‘it was good.’  Then Joel used the illustration of God’s creation and to notice each day when God had created something new, God would say, ‘it was good.’  On the sixth day, God saw everything that he had made, and, behold 'it was very good' (Genesis 1:31).

Joel also encouraged to take note that this was a partial victory to celebrate for and to know that ‘this was good’ whatever we have done.  God worked His creation on day to day basis.  When He created something new, He would say, “This was good!”  When I 'heard' this,  something inside of me became alive with words of encouragement, telling me to thank Him for healing Tony on day to day basis and to say, “this was good.”

The same day around noon, for the first time, I asked Tony if he would like a date out to McDonald which was nearby to BLM Rehab.  He was delighted. So I took Tony out to my small car, and he was able to get in and out with our new transport wheelchair (22 lbs). I was impressed and “it was very good.” Because last month or so, he couldn’t do it without help.  So I’m learning to thank God for small things each time I see new improvement in Tony.  

So your prayers does really matter and Tony wants to thank you for that. And God blessed you!


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