Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Awesome in Power 12/22-24

22-24 December 2016 - Awesome in Power – Manna by Dorothy Callies

Psalm 68:35 “You, God are awesome in Your sanctuary; the God of Israel gives power and strength to His people.  Praise be to God! (NIV).

Song: Oh God, Awesome!
Oh God, awesome in power,
Oh God, tender in love.
Oh God, You are my God,
And I love You.

Oh God, full of compassion,
Oh God, faithful and true.
Oh God, You are my God,
And I love you.
(Collection of songs, author unknown)

Deuteronomy 34:12  “For no one has ever shown the mighty power or performed the awesome deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel” (NIV).

Psalm 66:3  Say to God, “How awesome are Your deeds!  So great is Your power that Your enemies cringe (shrink in fear) before You” (NIV).

Psalm 145:6  “They tell of the power of Your awesome works—I will proclaim Your great deeds” (NIV).  

God has revealed Himself through Moses of His awesome in power during his time at Egypt.  God also revealed Himself to David, the King of His power during his lifetime. Today God revealed to us through His Word, through the creation and through the universe.

Often in the early mornings when Tony and I would come out of the apartment building, I would look up at the blue sky with a feeling of great respect and great wonder toward God’s creation. Just knowing that God is there as a Creator, it just made me want to love Him!

Tony loves this song from memory and he often sang this from the depth of his heart.  When he sings in sign language, His face just glow from the depth of his inner spirit. It was when one could sense the presence of God so real.  It was an awesome sight!

So I pray that when you are able to really get into the Holy Spirit’s realm (feeling of atmosphere of His Spirit) you would be able to sense that song with tenderness and full of grace and allow Him to bring healing to you.

May you be blessed by His Spirit!

Dorothy and Tony

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