Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Reward 3/30-31

30-31 March 2016 - The Reward – Devotion by Dorothy Callies

Proverbs 22:4 AMP, “The reward of humility and the reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life.”

Many people graduate from college and go forth into the world seeking fame, fortune and a long, full life.  The Word of God tells us exactly what our Father wants us to do to receive these blessings.

Our Father promises riches, honor, and long life to His children who are truly humble.  He wants us to place Him and other people ahead of ourselves. He wants us to live to serve Him and to help others.

Our Father wants us to fear Him.  When we fear God, we revere Him.  We hold Him in complete awe at all times. Every aspect of our lives revolves around Him.  More than anything else, we want to please Him.  Our Father will bless us with riches, honor and long life if we are humble and if we revere Him.

Dorothy:  This is from the Scripture Mediation Card and that impressed me very much.  The word humility … sometimes we don’t exactly get the clear picture of this meaning so I decided to look it up. Surprisely, humility is a state of being humble. Now the word, humble means being meek in spirit, not proud or bold. In another word, meek means putting up with wrongs patiently and without complaint.

So what are the reward of humility and showing great respect to the Lord? Riches? Honor? Life? Worshipful fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life. Maybe we have not seen this yet, but can we trust our Heavenly Father to keep His Word of promise?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us to trust Your Word of promise according to Your plan about how we would receive riches, and honor and life. We believe in You. We want to thank You for reminding us that You are our Lord, our God and our Creator. We put our faith in Your Word and believe in You with all our hearts. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen!

Song: Thou Art Worthy
     By Pauline M. Mills, Sing His Praise; Rev. 4:11; 5:9
Thou art worthy, Thou art worthy,
Thou art worthy, O Lord,
To receive gory, glory and honor,
Glory and honor and power.
For Thou hast created, hast all things created;
Thou hast created all things.
And for Thy pleasure they are created,
For Thou art worthy, O Lord.

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