Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Be Reconciled

Matthew 5:24 “Be reconciled to your brother.”
One day two men went to a sporting event, they enjoyed watching both the game and the people around them. Then one man was looking for his seat he couldn’t find. As he was looking for it, he stood between them and the field. Another man sitting in front of them also had his view blocked, so he told the guy, “Could you move? We can’t see.”

The lost man responded sarcastically, “Too bad.” Same thing happened twice but he got angry and repeat, “Too bad.” Finally the man moved on. Surprised, the same man came back and said, “Hey, I’m sorry. I was upset that I couldn’t find my seat.” They shook hands and that situation went well.

It takes courage for that man to come back and to say, “I’m sorry.” What he did, he reconciled ‘his brother’ even though they had not known each other. Jesus said, “Be reconciled to your brother.” How important is that? It is very important to God. Why? Our worship, according to Jesus, depends on it. Matthew 5:23-24 from NLT. “So if you are standing before the altar in the Temple, offering a sacrifice to God, and you suddenly remember that someone has something against you. Leave your sacrifice there beside the altar. Go and be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your sacrifice to God.”

Important thing to remember: we honor God when we make reconciliation with others a priority. After we have been reconciled, we can then fully enjoy communion, with our heavenly Father. The word, reconcile means to make friendly again like reconcile friends who have quarreled. 2) to settle by agreement like reconcile difference. 3) to cause to give in or to accept: make content like reconciled myself to the loss. [Merriam-Webster dictionary]

Tony and I practice saying, “The Lord’s Prayer,” and the important part that says, “Forgive our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.” Somehow we felt like our inner spirits seems to clear our unseen situation and our relationship with God was more opened. The Lord’s Prayer is a remarkable pattern for our day to day living. It means a lot to us.

Prayer: Lord, it is not easy to swallow our pride and ask others to forgive us. But You want us to seek reconciliation before we could worship You. Help us to remember to use Lord’s Prayer and help us to seek forgiveness when it is necessary. Thank You for reminding us about the “reconciled.” In Jesus’ name, amen!

May the Lord bless your heart!


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