Good afternoon!
Sept. 11-14, 2012 Fresh Manna by Dorothy Callies
Exodus 4:2 So the Lord said to [Moses], "What is that in your hand?"
Have you ever felt troubled at your own weaknesses, and felt fearful about what the Lord wanted you to do? Do you ever felt like the Lord wants you to do something and you felt "shy" and "anxiety?" What do you think God would do to you? Terrify you for being so troubled? Fearful? Shy? Anxiety? Let's look at Moses' conversation with God. If you read the part about God's call Moses to lead Israel out of bondage at Eygpt. We would gasp (draw breath sharply as with shock) that this was a big step for Moses to do. Then we could understand his "troubled" spirit for this. But do you know what God did? He didn't scold Moses for having the lack of faith. God didn't tried to intimidated Moses. God, in His mercy, did something simple, God helped him to focus something else. So God simply asked, Moses, "What is that in your hand?" (Ex.4:2). "Huh? Why that is my shepherd's rod" Moses would say. God showed Moses that He could use this ordinary staff to perform miracles as a sign for unbelieving people. So Moses' trust in God grew, so did the greatness of miracles God worked through His servant. Wow!
So God is asking you this question, "What is in your hand?" You might say, "God you have to show me what You mean, "what I have in my hand since I am Deaf?"
I'll tell you mine. While we were living in north part of Akron, Ohio on the third floor apartment, we had a small patio. At a distance, I could see the view of hills with lots of trees. While praying, and wondering what's the next to do after we left the Deaf Church in Oct. 2002? I saw a vision, "The missile" shot out of my inner spirit, and it went somewhere. Since that time, I kept that vision in my heart and forgot about it for almost eight years in 2010.
While having coffee with Tony at Dunkin Donut, Holy Spirit brought my memory of "The Missile." He asked me, "What was in your hand when you were typing the Bread Box?" I said, "Blackberry pager." Holy Spirit said, "God has been using your hands to type the Bread Box thru the pager, and that pager was "the missile." You had 200 emails "shooting" through the airs at once and it was done in a few minutes. All the intercessory prayers of "missiles" you have prayed back in Ohio in 2003, had touched many hearts when they read your devotions. It was the "labor of intercessory prayers" and God used "your hands on that tiny pager to reach their hearts, to bless them, to heal them, to comfort them, and to love them. It was as if God was reaching them through your simple hands." I was so impressed!
I shared with Tony at that moment and I was dazed, "my pager is that missile? Who would ever thought of that, but God?" Ohhhhh!
So my friends, what is in your hand that God could use you as a Deaf Person?
Chorus: Jesus Use Me
Je-sus use me and
Oh Lord, don't refuse me
For surely there's a work
That I could do.
Even though it's humble,
Help my will to crumble,
Though the cost be great,
I'll work for you.
(Inspiring Choruses)
Oh, the may Lord bless you really good today!
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