Thursday, February 18, 2010


"I will not leave you comfortless.
I will come to you." John 14:18a
Bread Box 2/18/10

Jesus had been with His disciples
for three years. Jesus was giving
His "farewell" speech (John 13-17).
The Disciples felt like Jesus was
leaving them in their grief, and
they felt left alone. They were sad.

But Jesus promised: "I will not
leave you all alone like orphans;
I will come back to you"
(John 14:18 ncv). How?

The Holy Spirit came in a rushing
mighty wind and the disciples felt
Jesus was there when they were all
filled the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:1-4).

The disciples felt comfort to know
that Jesus had not abandon them.
They were thrilled to learn that
Jesus revealed Himself through the
power of the Holy Spirit.

Are you feeling alone? Jesus promised
"I will not leave you alone." He send
His Comforter, the Holy Spirit to you
(John 15:26).

So trust God today!


PS. Song by Anne S. Murphy
Constantly abiding,
Jesus is mine;
Constantly abiding,
rapture divine,
He never leaves me lonely,
whispers O so kind:
"I will never leave thee,"
Jesus is mine.