Sunday, January 31, 2010

Good Morning!

"This is the day which the Lord has made; we
will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

Let us rejoice in our salvation in the Lord.
This is the day of redemption. Jesus saves!

God has been good to us since the day I started
the Bread Box. I was blessed to hear more and
more testimony of how the Lord has met their
spiritual needs at the right time when they
need it.

It all started when I want to help my friend
with a very short and simple devotion in the
early morning. Holy Spirit gave me an idea to
use the Bread Box Card verse. He would help
me with an inspiration along with the card
verse that I had drawn from the Bread Box.
I was truly blessed to do this and started
to share this with my friend. Then I shared
with few more. I felt impressed to send out
many more so I developed a Group with names
and use bcc so they would feel like it is
personal to them. It is awesome technology
that God has truly bless us with.

Today is the last Happy New Year of January
31, 2010 and may the Lord bless you with the
rest of the year. Let us trust the Lord with
all our heart, with all our mind, with all
soul and with all our strength. Let His love
flows into our beings and let us continue to
love Him and His daily Word. God bless you!