Monday, September 28, 2009

Nahum 2: The Lord Is Good

“The Lord is good, giving protection in times of trouble.
He knows who trusts in Him” (Nahum 1:7 ncv). Nahum
gave hope to Israel those who put their trust in God.


“He is our stronghold … He knows them that trust in Him.”
Nahum 1:7 kjv

Dorothy: This is a beautiful picture of God our Heavenly
Father who has an intimate knowledge about us. Really, God
loves us that much. Each of us is unique: yet God knows and
understands each personal character, our background, how we
grew up, how we act, how deeply we feel, and our needs, no
matter how great or small. Jesus said, “For your Father
knoweth what things ye have need of” (Matthew 6:8). Only
Jesus knew about Father because Jesus was there with Him.
Jesus is our witness that Nahum was right about ‘God knows
them that trust in Him.’

This reminds me of a song collection: Trust In the Lord

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart
and lean not to your own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge Him and
He shall direct thine paths (Prov. 3:5-6).