Thursday, November 19, 2020

Hope 22 Hope Glory 11/19-21/20

19-21 Nov. 2020 – Hope Series 22 by Dorothy & Tony Callies

Theme: Hope of Glory and Songs from Nov. 2012

Colossians 1:27 ". . . Christ in you, the HOPE of glory."

            Christ's living in me is my HOPE and my assurance of future glory and eternal life. It is only through His indwelling (living in my heart) and my continual close communion with Him can remove my doubts about my home in heaven. To have Jesus in my heart is to have life in Him. That is my hope of glory, hope of my heavenly home. I like the songs that give me "hope of glory, my heavenly home" with Christ.

Song: I Feel Like Traveling On
1. My heavenly home is bright and fair,
I feel like traveling on.
Nor pain, nor death can enter there,
I feel like traveling on.
Chorus: Yes, I feel like traveling on,
I feel like traveling on;
My heavenly home is bright and fair,
I feel like traveling on.

2. The Lord has been so good to me,
I feel like traveling on.
Until that blessed home I see,
I feel like traveling on.
Chorus: Yes, I feel like traveling on,
I feel like traveling on;
My heavenly home is bright and fair,
I feel like traveling on.
(Lyrics: William Hunter, Sing His Praise)

I remember Johnny Berry, Rev. Bea Berry's husband who loves to sing that song, "I Feel Like Traveling On" during my time in 1960's in the former Calvary Deaf Church in Riverside, California (the deaf church moved in different town where Rev. Tom and Joyce Mathers are now the pastors. They build a new deaf church.)

May the Lord bring hope of glory in your heart today!




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