Friday, October 11, 2019

In That Day 10/11/19

11 October 2019 In That Day – Cheryl Bache share devotion - Manna by Dorothy
Isaiah 29:18
"And in that said shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness."

One day, Christian deaf will hear. It is a hard to live in a hearing
world, trying to read lips and not understanding. One day, the Lord will change all that. One night a deaf foster daughter asked Ted, "Why doesn't someone write a poem or song for the deaf"? Her question remained with Ted so Ted wrote a poem, "I cannot hear." It has been greatly used of the deaf.

Poem: I Cannot Hear by Ted Camp
I cannot hear now in this life, I cannot hear,
One day I will for Jesus cares.
I cannot hear the birds that sing,
I cannot hear the bells that ring,

I have never heard a baby cry,
I have to brush tears from my eye.
For in this life I cannot hear,
One day I will for Jesus cares.

I thank My God that He saved me.
I may be deaf but I’ve been made free.
I have God's word in Heaven I'll be,
With Him for all eternity.

There I will praise the Lord and sing,
There I will hear the bells that ring,
My deafness will be gone forever more,
I'll sing with Him, my Lord adore.

I will sing with angels and happy be,
With Christ my Lord through eternity,
For in this I cannot hear,
One day I will, for Jesus cares!
By Ted Camp

Thank you Cheryl Bache for this article
Manna from Dec. 4, 2010

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